
TOP > Complete Romance Fantasy Science & Religion【電子書籍】[ George Mac Donald ]

Complete Romance Fantasy Science & Religion【電子書籍】[ George Mac Donald ]

<p>Poet and novelist, son of a farmer, was born at Huntly, Aberdeenshire, and educated at the University of Aberdeen, and at the Independent College, Highbury. He became minister of a congregation at Arundel, but after a few years retired, on account partly of theological considerations, partly of a threatened, breakdown of health. He then took to literature, and published his first book, Within and Without [1856], a dramatic poem, Poems followed in 1857, and Phantastes, a Faerie Romance, in 1858. He then turned to fiction, and produced numerous novels, of which David Elginbrod [1862], Alec Forbes [1865], Robert Falconer [1868], The Marquis of Lossie [1877], and Sir Gibbie [1879], are perhaps the best. <br /> <br /> <br /> Contents <br /> At the Back of the North Wind <br /> Phantastes, a Faerie Romance for Men and Women <br /> Lilith, a romance <br /> The Princess and the Goblin <br /> The Light Princess and Other Fairy Stories <br /> A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul <br /> Unspoken Sermons Series I., II., and II. <br /> The Princess and the Curdie <br /> What's Mine's Mine <br /> Hope of the Gospel <br /> Robert Falconer <br /> Sir Gibbie <br /> Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood <br /> There & Back <br /> The Marquis of Lossie</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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